Holiday Cookie Inspo

Chocolate Dipped Rosemary Shortbread // Loves Food, Loves to EatMy life right now:

  • A blazing fire and a sort-of-sometimes-but-not-really cuddly cat
  • Three sets of mis-matched battery operated tree lights (including one that only blinks and won�t stay solid) bc my first Christmas with said cat, 10 years ago, she bit into the lights and electrocuted herself and I�ve used battery operated ones ever since. 
  • Mariah Carey Christmas tunes 
  • Teavana white chocolate peppermint tea 
  • A (3rd) rewatch of How I Met Your Mother
  • Trying to ignore political news because: anxiety
  • Regretting every single time I go on Facebook because: political news/ anxiety, but doing it anyway
  • A pot of chili (usually with turkey, black beans, and pinto or white beans� never kidney beans bc Evan hates them, and only squash additions when he�s not looking) bc it�s all I want to make this chilly-chili weather season
  • My Favorite Murder podcast, all day everyday

Spice Cookies with Citrus Glaze // Loves Food, Loves to EatIt�s sounds like I�ve been really hunkering down, but I feel like I�ve barely been home lately, and I�m really craving some cozy couch time with a side of hot cocoa (wherein no one talks to me for a good 24 hours bc the introvert in me is maxed the F out and needs some quiet alone time to recharge). Three weekends ago was turkey day, two weekends ago we were down in my hometown visiting my ma and eating the most giant ribeyes ever at a neighboring town�s diviest ever dive-bar that serves huge amazing steaks + baked potatoes, and last weekend Evan and I were in SF meeting our squishy, precious, amazingly sweet, absolute doll of a new baby niece, Sydney Rose (we were also eating all the things, as one does in SF). Between those trips plus holiday parties plus work plus life plus fitness (just kidding, I haven�t worked out in like, 2 months� just adding that one in there, in the hopes it motivates me), I haven�t made one batch of holiday treats (actually, considering I haven�t worked out in 2 months, maybe the lack of Christmas cookies in my life is a good thing).

Peppermint Mocha Icebox Cookies // Loves Food, Loves to EatBUT! In all disregard for my hips and waistline and also a pic I just saw of myself right before my wedding/ right after my dad passed away when I was a good 20 lbs less than I am now, sigh/ugh... I do hope to get some cookie baking in this weekend. So, without further ado, here�s some holiday baking inspo:

From the Loves Food, Loves to Eat archives:

SLICE AND BAKE CHOCOLATE DIPPED ROSEMARY SHORTBREAD COOKIES: I posted these ON THIS DAY last year, and they were so buttery, herbaceous, and chocolatey. Not too sweet, great addition to a cookie exchange or tin of mixed treats!

SLICE AND BAKE SPICE COOKIES WITH CITRUS GLAZE AND SEA SALT: Slice and bake for life because I�m so lazy and it�s just too easy. I even slice and bake my chocolate chip cookies now� but anyway, these little pretties are spicy and chewy and citrusy and make them.

PEPPERMINT MOCHA ICEBOX COOKIES: OMG you guys� I didn�t even mean to do this as I was pulling together this list, but here�s another slice and bake.

From around the interwebz:

CHOCOLATE COOKIES WITH SALTED CARAMEL BUTTERCREAM VIA DESSERT FOR TWO: Christina says these drop cookie sandwiches are super easy.. they�re not slice n bake, but I�ll take it. They seriously look so good� but also what about a tahini buttercream filling!?

GINGERBREAD THUMBPRINTS VIA LOVE AND OLIVE OIL: My mom made peanut butter blossoms every Christmas when I was growing up (ie: PB thumbprint cookies with a Hershey�s Kiss)� but it turns out, my sister doesn�t like the PB + chocolate combo (which kills me), so these might be a perfect replacement!

HOT CHOCOLATE COOKIES WITH TOASTED MARSHMALLOWS VIA THE CANDID APPETITE: cozy, cozy, cozy. These just make me wish it would snow already, and make me wish I liked winter sports. 

VANILICE VIA LITTLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE: For starters, these little sandwich cookies are the cutest. And also, she keeps vanilla beans in her powdered sugar� genius. 

Unrelated... remember when I did this Home Alone Dinner + Movie post? lololuuulll. On my movie-watching to do list between now and Dec. 25: Home Alone and, because it's been awhile, Home Alone 2, Lost in NY, a full Wes Anderson marathon, and of course, Krampus, the Evil Christmas Elf. Happy wintertime holiday fun, friends! 

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